Frequently Asked Questions

Upgrading to version 5 and moving to a new computer at the same time

If you wish to transfer LogMeister to a new PC and upgrade from v4 (for example) to v5 at the same time, we suggest you follow this step-by-step procedure:

  1. On the old PC, use File -> Explore Data Folder from within LogMeister/EventMeister. Having done that, quit the front-end app and stop the service.
  2. Install LogMeister/EventMeister version 5 on the new machine. During installation you can either take the default data folder location, or set a new one.
  3. Run the front-end app on the new machine, and use File -> Explore Data Folder from within LogMeister/EventMeister. Having done that, quit the front-end app and stop the service.
  4. Copy the contents of the data folder from the old machine (already opened by step#1) to the data folder on the new machine (opened in the previous step).
  5. Restart the service on the new machine, and run the front end app. Your feeds should all be present, however they will initially be empty. Use File -> Import Data From Previous Versions to bring in the existing data from the v4 files.
  6. If you use email notifications, be sure to set up the correct SMTP details on the new machine.

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Last Updated 9 years ago

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